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Commercial and Residential Lawn Maintenance

Make Citywide Window Cleaning and Property Maintenance your commercial lawn care company for quality and professional lawn maintenance for your commercial property. Unlike some “lowest-bid” maintenance outfits, we provide the same high-quality service to commercial properties as we do to our residential customers. If you insist on the highest quality of service and professionalism, insist on Citywide Window Cleaning and Property Maintenance. We specialize in all season’s maintenance of commercial properties, such as:

Do not be disappointed with disorganized or rushed lawn maintenance. At Citywide Window Cleaning and Property Maintenance, we pride ourselves in doing a complete, thorough job anytime and every time. Our professional, well-trained staff, up-to-date equipment, and vehicles arrive on time and on schedule. We deliver the same care to your lawn and property that you deliver to your valued customers. You choose the services you need, and we take care of the rest. You can devote your time to your business, instead of wondering if your lawn or property maintenance is being done properly.

Residential Lawn Care Services

Whether you have rented residential property or you live in it yourself. Our lawn mowing and maintenance services is the right choice for you. Our weekly lawn mowing services will look after your lawn mowing and our other maintenance services will take care of your lawn and its growth. We are a professional lawn care company with services ranging from lawn care, lawn mowing, lawn repair, lawn aerating, lawn sodding and lawn fertilization services. If you think your lawn can be beautiful looking and healthy growing then give us a call and speak to one of our lawn maintenance specialists at 416-747-5019 and we will address your questions in regards to its requirement.

Contact Citywide Window Cleaning and Property Maintenance if you insist on high quality maintenance services in GTA area. If you will not settle for haphazard, lowest-bidder service, then we’d be happy to provide your commercial property with the same professional-quality service we deliver for all of our customers. We deliver the best and will not settle for less. Call us today to discuss your lawn maintenance needs and we will show you how we can make your commercial property’s appearance stand out from the rest.

Lawn Fertilizing

Every GTA area lawns need fertilization to look its best and maintain a lush, thick turf. The exact requirement depends on grass type, soil type, and many other factors. Only a lawn expert can properly advise you on the best combination of fertilization for your particular lawn. With many years of experience in maintaining GTA area lawns mean that we have worked with every combination of conditions and know exactly how to treat your lawn for the best results.

Commercial Lawn Care Services

Your commercial property is unique, as are your needs. After evaluating the property and its lawn care area, we will work with you to come up with a service plan that includes all needed services, then prepare a price quote for your consideration. We only do high-quality work that we can be proud of and our affordable pricing will reflect that commitment to excellence.

By catching weeds before they even sprout and applying the ideal fertilizer in early spring, your lawn gets a great start from the beginning of the growing season. This additional treatment controls late-sprouting weeds and gives the lawn a second boost to promote lush growth.

In the summer, grass reaches its peak growth rate. So do weeds. This treatment supports that lawn growth in the heat of summer and knocks out broadleaf weeds. Your lawn is still actively growing in early fall, and summer ripening weed seeds have a chance to take hold. This treatment adds nutrients to your lawn and knocks out late-sprouting weeds.